Die Workbook
by Neil Surkan
In Die Workbook, Neil Surkan presents a new poetic form that uses six-sided die to determine combinations of words and lines in the composition of six-line poems. Playful yet existential, these poems will have you meditating on death, legacy, and the chance operations of nature/god/earth/life/suffering/holiness. The Blasted Tree has produced a limited edition of 50 chapbooks bound into light blue linen covers, available now from our online store. Die Workbook can be read online following the link below.
Read Die Workbook
failed (after)lives
by Ryanne Kap
failed (after)lives is a collection of experimental writing that embraces many different forms and tones, including cheeky erasure poetry, excerpts from interview transcripts, frank prose poems, and more! Ryanne Kap reflects on a loss of faith in Christianity and its version of the afterlife, the struggle to grasp a posthuman theory of death, and how both of these concepts interact with personal experiences of grief. The Blasted Tree has produced a limited edition of 50 chapbook hand-bound into fossil grey covers. Read failed (after)lives following the link below, and copies of the chapbook are available in our online store.
Read failed (after)lives
Between the Lakes cont.
by Ben Robinson
Ben Robinson returns to The Blasted Tree with a long poem that documents his attempt to drive the boundary of the Between the Lakes Treaty 1792 that covers present-day Hamilton. This portion of Between the Lakes continues a poetic mapping begun in a previous chapbook (published by above/ground press in 2023) and proceeds in long, survey-like lines. A limited edition of fifty 4.25” x 5.5” chapbooks have been produced by The Blasted Tree, each staple-bound into cardstock covers with a metallic red flyleaf. Between the Lakes cont. is available for purchase from our online store and can be read following the link below.
Read Between the Lakes cont.
Make it a habit each night
by Gary Barwin and Dani Spinosa
make it a habit each night is a collaborative collection of visual poetry — accompanied by a suite of multimedia Special Features — derived primarily from the Adler J2/J4 Typewriter Manual (1966). Gary Barwin and Dani Spinosa’s remix of the instruction manual format playfully intervenes in conventional notions of gendered labour, mechanization, and capitalism. The Blasted Tree has produced a limited edition of fifty 5.25” x 4” chapbooks printed full-colour on newsprint paper and staple-bound into cardstock covers. View make it a habit each night along with its video and audio Special Features on The Blasted Tree’s website, copies of the chapbook are available in our online store.
View make it a habit each night
Ditto by Nick Montfort is a short poetry collection consisting of three poems all composed using a similar method (something akin to transcription) whereby text is meticulously copied from a hyper-specific locale or context. From the kitchen to the public urinal, Ditto combines a keen eye for text with a wry appreciation for its many mundane uses. The Blasted Tree has produced a limited edition of sixty 5” x 3.5” chapbooks, each bound into black cover stock with an iridescent film flyleaf. You can read the collection online following the link below, and copies of the chapbook are available now in our online store.
Read Ditto
Translating the Westron Wynde
by David Martin
Westron Wynde is a 16th-century song that has been adapted, distorted, or simplified into many derivative versions. Poet David Martin compiles and expands upon these derivations, adding new translations of the original lyrics in many different languages, ciphers, and systems of notation. The Blasted Tree has produced a limited edition of sixty 4.25” x 5.5” chapbooks printed in colour and bound into handmade paper covers in tobacco brown. Copies of the chapbook are available now from The Blasted Tree’s store, and the series can be read online following the link below.
Read Translating the Westron Wynde
chapbooks (BACKLIST)
Peaceful by Kevin Stebner
Close Wreading by Bruno Neiva
Al-Hashashin by Yusra Usmani
Act 3: Vegetable Love by Tom Prime
36 Answers to Questions That Generate Interpersonal Closeness Between Strangers By kevin mcpherson Eckhoff
Recoveringly by drew McEwan
The Republic of Home by Leslie Joy Ahenda
A Rose for the TransCanada by Gregory Betts
WE Are Lichen By Razielle Aigen
Site Orientation by Samantha Jones
Old Sea by Ryan Stearne
Daydreaming Melancholia by Danni Storm
Sailor, C’est L’heure by Rasiqra Revulva
Body of Stone by Helen Robertson
Amend by Bea Keeler
Tourner by Chris Warren
The Enfolding by Kevin Stebner
UMO by Sacha Archer
Without Form by Ben Robinson
What the Barn Can’t Kill by Jerrod Schwarz
gó go gó by Franco Cortese
Mickey the Bricky by Jimmy T. Cahill
anonymous (widow), anonymous (wife) by Natalie Simpson
Rat Queen by Tyler Hayden
Keyboards: 14 Poems for Tom Jenks by Catherine Vidler
Time-Sensitive Material by David Dowker
a peal of thunder, a moment of by katie o’brien
The Sims in Real Life by Ben Robinson
The Weight of Skin by Brandon Teigland
Squared by Andrew Topel
The Vispo Bible: John by Amanda Earl
The landscape we left on each other by lauren elle degaine
Contemporary Meat by Sacha Archer
job site by Zane Koss
con/tig/u/us by Kevin Heslop
c̶o̶u̶p̶ by Kate Siklosi
phon phon by R. Keith
how to make an English exam interesting by Jordan Bolay
The Insistence of Momentum by Sacha Archer
obscuritysquared by michael smilovitch
Pray/Lewd by Kyle Flemmer
Lunar Flag Assembly Kit by Kyle Flemmer
Short(er) Fiction Vol. 3: Fischer, Browne, Smilovitch
Township by Ivan Fischer
Wood by Mitch Findlay
Demon Hickeys by Prince Poirier
Chewing Around the Rind by Kaitlyn Perrin
Swimming Lessons by Andrea Bridgeman
Short(er) Fiction Vol. 2: Findlay, Flemmer, Smith
Everything All At Once by Laura Rojas
These Are Fragments by Laura Dyer
Entheogens and the Mind of Society by James W. Jesso
Short(er) Fiction Vol. 1: Anger, Muir, Alexander
Dorito Hangover by Kyle Flemmer
To the Spot by Olivia Alexander
Far Too Close by Jesse Anger
Grist by Kyle Flemmer
Lift-Off by Kyle Flemmer
The Panda Complex by Kyle Flemmer
Mud by Bea Keeler
PLEASE NOTE: The Blasted Tree is not accepting unsolicited submissions of any kind for consideration at this time. General inquiries regarding all other matters can be directed to
From books and chapbooks to leaflets, longsheets, and beyond, The Blasted Tree provides a venue for up-and-coming and established Canadian artists to showcase their creations in print. Presented on high quality papers in a variety of formats, our print media is a great way to take home a treasure from your favorite Blasted Tree author or artist. Limited editions of our print media are available for purchase from The Blasted Tree Store.