Go On

machine translation of gó go gó from Zulu into English

by Franco Cortese

áo áo, áo, áo; áo, áo, áo; no
; here, there, here, there, here, there;
be ye, yea; -ye,,,,,,,,
create; here they are; say: ‘come, be ye.’
bộ, bộ, bō; here, there, and there; bộ;
cò co co, cơ co co, cơ co cỗ co
đỡ đó, đỡ đó do do-, do do, do dở dở đồ; doó do
do đó do đỡ đỡ, đỡ,
love; đổ the creature
- yes, there is that; there it is
fø fö fö, fő fo, fo, fo
go, go, go, go, go; there, there, there; to
gó, gó, gó, gó;
it is you, it is you;
far to, hỗ to, to, to; hỗ hô hở far: hộ hố, họ hố; h:
jo; joe jo, jo, jo, jo, jo, jo, jo
ko: ko, ko, ko, ko; kö, kö; kǫʼ ko kő, kǫʼ ko kò;
lo, lo, lo, this one; lø lo, lø lo; lộ, lộ; lő, lő: lő lỗ, lő ló, lő
mò, mò, mò mo: mó, mò mo; mó mò; mò mo mò
mò here, here, here; mò mǒ mò, m m mò
no, no, no nổ, nổ; no no no, no
oo, oo, oo: oo
pò po po po po pò po pò, po pò pò po; creative po- pò, pò, pò
pò pò po- pò, goat, pò po p po po po
ro ró rộ; rơ rọ, ró rọ; rợ, rợ ro; rợ ró;
so sō so, so, so, so, so, so, sơ so: sō, so, so
tō to to tō tō, tô tỏ to tō, tō, tő, tő,
tő to tō to tỏ tō; tô tō, -tō, tō to to to; tô
uh, ųoo; ūo ųo-
too; võ vó, vó; võ vo ‘vo vo, vô, vó, vợ; vỏ vỏ
wō, wò, wò wo: wò, wò wo, wō
wō wò, wō, wō, wō wò, wō; too

this one, this one, this one

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gó go gó is out of print from The Blasted Tree Store

Featured by The Blasted Tree: June 26, 2020

Franco Cortese

Contributing Author

Other works on The Blasted Tree:

gó go gó by Franco Cortese is a Blasted Tree original collection of poetry.

ISBN [Digital]: 978-1-987906-59-2

Cover Design by Kyle Flemmer